hurch Lane Elementary Technology School
School Wide Behavior Management Plan
Parent Edition 2019 - 2020
To establish a positive learning environment, it is critical to create a school climate in which students are treated fairly, teachers feel supported, parents are well informed, and the office runs efficiently. It is understood by the Church Lane family that the creation of a safe and orderly school environment will foster increased student achievement and security. A school wide behavior plan has been established as a common thread binding the classroom, the home and the office to a consistent approach to behavior management and discipline.
Code of Conduct
Effective instruction can best be carried out in a structured yet nurturing environment. To this end, the school wide code of conduct will form the foundation of our school wide behavior plan. This code will be posted in each classroom and the school family will enforce it through recognition of desired behaviors and consistently following school wide discipline procedures. The five bulleted points of the Code of Conduct are as follows:
- To others
- To my environment
- To myself
- When on school property
- When on the bus
- When on field trips
- Both oral and written
- By delivering all home communications
- In and out of school
- By coming prepared with all needed supplies
- By respecting personal space
- By keeping my hands and feet to myself
- By using appropriate language
Standards and Expectations:
The Code of Conduct will be the basis for behavior school wide.
Arrival and Dismissal Expectations:
Arrival and dismissal should be structured, planned portions of the day to encourage a safe and orderly environment.
Arrival Procedures
- Staff lines up students at 8:55 AM
- *Students attending Kids Place or Recreation will enter through their designated doors.Teachers and staff will be in the doorways and throughout the hallways to greet and assist our students as they arrive.
At 8:55 AM students will walk directly to their lockers/classrooms.
Dismissal Procedures
- Walkers and car riders will be dismissed through the OUTSIDE classroom doors at approximately 3:40. Teachers will not open their outside doors until the office has announced walker/car rider dismissal.
- Students requiring early dismissal for Doctor appointments, etc…will not be dismissed after 3:15 p.m.
- No early dismissals will take place between 3:15 and 3:40 p.m. in order to assure a safe and orderly completion of the school day.
- For the safety of all children, no one will be admitted to the building after 3:15.
- Parents will be required to wait for their child outside the backdoor of their classroom or at a designated meeting place.
- Kids Place and Recreation will be dismissed by the office shortly before the walkers.
- Bus riders and daycare van riders will remain in their classroom until their bus is called.
ANY changes in a child’s dismissal procedure MUST be documented in writing by the parent on that day or prior to that day. Changes by telephone cannot be verified and therefore cannot be followed.
Classroom Expectations:
Each classroom will utilize the Code of Conduct as the foundation of their classroom discipline program. Teachers may choose to develop classroom rules with wording that is age-appropriate, aligned with the school wide Code of Conduct.
Hallway Expectations:
Students are expected to walk without talking and stay to the right side of the hallway. Students who are in the hallways without their class must carry a hall pass.
The hallways will be quiet during the school day.
Cafeteria Expectations:
Parents may add money to their child’s account or pay daily for their lunches. Money should be taken directly to the cafeteria. Please do not send money to your child’s classroom teacher.
Children are expected to follow school rules while in the cafeteria. Cafeteria behavior is handled using the same guidelines of the School Wide Behavior Plan.
Bathroom Expectations:
Students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately. Classes will be taken to the bathroom as a group several times throughout the day.
Proactive Interventions
Purple Awards:
All students will be able to earn purple awards for good behavior throughout the school day. Teachers will fill out Purple Awards when they see students exemplifying Church Lane values. Purple Awards will be announced on Fridays.
Friday Reward:
Teachers and School Behavior Committee will collaborate to identify and reward those students who meet a weekly goal. Students will be rewarded at the end of each week. Students who do not attain the weekly goal will stay in their classrooms for behavior/social skills lessons. Parents will be notified.
Good Choice Chart:
Students who make good choices will be asked to sign a square on the good choice chart. A drawing will be held and prizes are given out by teachers.
Fun Tickets
Classes will be awarded “fun-tickets” for exemplary behavior in specials, hallways, cafeteria and classrooms. Each grade level will decide on the amount of tickets needed for specific rewards. For example, a treat would be fewer tickets than a pizza party. The time frame is determined by the amount of tickets needed for the reward. Each class will decide if they wish to cash in their tickets or save them for a bigger reward.
School Wide Discipline
Students will be given a behavior chart that will be carried with them throughout the school day. Teachers will communicate student’s behavior to parents.
Parents must initial their child’s calendar each night. This is our form of communication with you about your child’s day. Please do not sign for the whole week. This will ensure that there is open communication between Church Lane and your home.
When the expectations set forth by the Code of Conduct are not met, a hierarchy of consequences begins. All classroom and special area teachers will follow the same DAILY hierarchy (except in the case of immediate office referral). If a student is exhibiting behavior not consistent with the Code of Conduct a staff member will mark their behavior calendar to indicate the level on the hierarchy of consequences. Any staff member at any place in the school can mark a student’s behavior calendar.
Students will begin each class (homeroom, reading, math, special area) on green. This allows each student to have a fresh start several times throughout the day. Students are able to change colors up and down the hierarchy throughout each class based on their performance and behavior.
Hierarchy of Consequences
- ¨Level Purple - Outstanding
- ¨Level Green - Ready to learn. This is the expected behavior for the day.
- ¨Level Yellow - I’ve been warned- All students will be given three verbal warnings before they are marked on Level Yellow for behavior. Students who do not complete their homework will be put on Level Yellow without any warning.
- ¨Level Orange Time Out/Written Reflection – Teachers will have a designated space in their classroom or another teacher’s room where students can be removed from the situation and given time to reflect on their behavior. A written reflection may be used.
- ¨Level Red (Parent Contact) - Parent will be contacted by phone, e-mail or written note.
Office Discipline:
A discipline referral form must be fully completed with each office referral. Administrators will confer with all involved parties as necessary. Parent contact will be made for every office referral. Except in cases where normal procedure is deemed inappropriate, administrators will follow a hierarchy of consequences.
Immediate Office Referrals:
In the case of incidents involving specific behaviors outlined in the Baltimore County Public Schools Student Handbook and listed below, students should be immediately referred to the office, circumventing the levels of consequences.
Data Collection and Program Evaluation
Records will be kept for all students who are referred to the office.
Administrators will record data for all office referrals documenting the frequency of referrals and actions taken. The Behavior Committee and Administration will assess the effectiveness of this plan by reviewing the recorded data, anecdotal records, and climate surveys.
Revised 04/29/18